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Dear Parents and Carers,
SRC Career Dress Up Day
Last Friday, students were invited to come dressed in their 'future jobs' to raise funds for our School Representative Council (SRC). There were many varied outfits on show. Well done students!
Henry Lawson Festival - School’s Drama Day
The Grenfell Dramatic Society are organising the Schools’ Drama Day for primary and infants students again this year.
Drama Day will be held next Thursday June 8th at the Grenfell Public School Hall from 9.30am. The aim is to encourage participation in stage performance and give students the opportunity to be creative with characterisation, costume, voice, movement and sound. Drama Day also offers students an opportunity to gain confidence on stage in front of an audience and an adjudicator. The organiser's hope the children will achieve an understanding of what is involved in preparing and presenting a performance, and above all realise the importance of TEAMWORK – that everyone’s contribution is vital for the successful presentation of a play.
The adjudicators will provide Highly Commended, Commended and encouragement awards for students in each play. Remember plays are not competing against one another, and they DON'T pick best play, or best actor.
Students will be travelling by bus to the Public School. The bus will depart at 9:10am sharp. It would be great if students could arrive at school no later than 8:45am to get dressed into their costumes and be ready to go.
Parents are invited to join the audience. We have been advised, that in fairness to the performers, members of the audience will only be permitted entry BEFORE the start of a session and at the completion of a play.
Our school will take part in Session 1, which is scheduled to commence at 9:30am and end at approximately 11-11:30am.
Please ensure that you have provided consent for your child to attend on Compass.
Henry Lawson Festival - Parade
Students are invited to join with the school in participating in the Henry Lawson Festival Parade on Saturday 10th June. Please meet us at Short St at 12:45pm for a 1pm start. The theme of the festival is 'Faces in the Street'. Students are asked to come dressed in their SRC Career Day clothing, so that we can represent the various faces (careers) in our community. Props are encouraged to make our walking float stand out.
We look forward to seeing as many students and parents as possible in attendance.
Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning Survey
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph's Primary Grenfell.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the link in the Compass post sent to parents last week. Please contact the Office if you need help. The survey is open from Thursday 25th May to Friday 9th June.
Head Lice
There have been a number of reports of students having head lice at the school. Please ensure that your child’s hair has been treated before returning to school. Also, keep in mind the school rule, that any child who has hair past their shoulders must have their hair tied back. This is for safety and also to minimise the risk of spreading head lice. Thanks for your support.
I am pleased to announce that Sally Metcalfe will be taking over the Joey's Playgroup from this week. Sally is an Early Childhood Teacher and has vast experience coordinating playgroups and has worked in preschools and daycare centres. Sally is keen to establish routines that will foster social, cognitive and motor development through educational activities.
From the Religious Education Coordinator
Year 5/6 Class Mass
Fr Jiss and Year 5/6 hosted a beautiful Mass yesterday in honour of teachers and, in particular, Mrs Hotham (being her last term with us). We welcomed parents, grandparents, and parishioners to the Mass, which was a true testament of the positive impact Mrs Hotham and all teachers have had and continue to have on our school. Each Year 5/6 student carried out their respective roles admirably and all students participated reverently throughout the service. Year 5/6 included the following Prayer of Intercession:
For the teachers in our community, may they be filled with patience, kindness, and understanding as they educate and inspire the next generation. Grant them the energy and creativity to make learning fun and engaging. Thank you for their hard work and dedication.
A very big “thanks” to Year 5/6 and Fr Jiss for making this such a memorable Mass service.
Sunday Gospel Reflection (June 4)
Gospel Jn 3:16-18
Talk of God’s love can often lack the edge of Jesus’ radical teachings. Jesus came to know God’s love as the unconditional, passionate love of a father for a son. It was a love he came to know deeply at his baptism. It grew to become a love that led to death on a cross. It was known fully in the powerful love of Resurrection and the sending of his Spirit.
We can build a certain deafness to talk of God’s love, even as we nod. Talk of God’s love can too often simply wash over us when it should be shaking the very foundations of our lifestyle... challenging our very way of being and doing in the world.
I once read that you can never know the Gospel as Good News until you’ve been lost or in need of being saved. Have you felt lost, alone, unsure, struggling? In other words, have you ever needed saving? And if not, what is Good about the Good News for you? If we struggle to answer, how can we witness to others a love that is touching us deeply, reorientating us, reconnecting us, indeed “saving” us and so bringing us profound joy.
Heavenly Father
Love me in my weakness and strength
Love me in my disability and giftedness
Love me in my darkness and light.
Love me in my imperfection
Help me to love others in their weakness and strength
in their disability and giftedness
in their darkness and light.
And so grow in the perfection of your heavenly love
We ask this in the name of your only Son. Amen.
Source: Formed in Prayer
Sacramental Program
This year, St Joseph’s Parish will be offering the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation to eligible candidates. To be eligible to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy communion, candidates must be in Year 4 or above. To be eligible to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates must be in Year 5 or above and must have already received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
The preparation for the Confirmation candidates will take place in Terms 3 and 4. Specific information regarding meeting/ mass dates will be provided towards the end of Term 2.
If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren please contact me at the school on 6343 1514 or via email:
Furthermore, if you know of anyone else interested in further information, who may not have access to this newsletter or the Parish bulletin, please encourage them to contact me also.
Yours in Faith,
Danielle McFarlane
Religious Education Coordinator
Parish News
Sunday 8 am Mass
St Joseph’s Church, Grenfell
Please note that a Mass will be held on the second and fourth Sundays each month. There is a Celebration of the Word with Holy Communion, not a Mass, on the first and third Sundays of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend!
The Parish would love to welcome more children to be involved in Mass on weekends. There are many opportunities for involvement, including doing the readings. If your child can participate in any way, please let me know.
If you wish to visit St Joseph’s Church, it is open daily from 10.00am – 4.00pm and following Mass on Sundays.