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Kindy Enrolments – Now Open!
It’s been great to meet some of our 2024 families over the last couple of weeks. If your friends or relatives have a Kindy 2024 aged child, please do encourage them to contact the school or pop by as soon as possible for a tour and a chat. And if you have a child due to commence in January, please do let us know as soon as possible as planning for staffing in 2024 is well underway.
We will be inviting interested families to a Kindy Information session on the evening of Tuesday 19th September.
Celebrating St Jospeh’s Heritage
Towards the end of last term, Sr Mary Corkeron visited St Joseph’s to share with the children the heritage of the Mercy Sisters who established our school in 1885. Sr Mary introduced the students to Catherine McCauley who founded the Mercy Sisters in Ireland in 1831. We were delighted to welcome Sr Mary back to school on Tuesday for a session with the staff where we too had the opportunity to be inspired by the life and work of Catherine McCauley.
Catherine McCauley is an outstanding role model for us all having devoted her life to helping others and to overcoming the many obstacles for a woman of her era. Interestingly, she made her vows to become a Nun at the age of 53 after many decades of helping the poor and marginalised. Many Mercy convents were established and the Sisters’ went on to found convents, schools and hospitals across the globe. They arrived in Australia in 1846, led by Mother Ursula Frayne. The Australian congregation established schools and convents around the country and opened their first hospitals in Brisbane and Sydney.
Mrs McFarlane has now established a Catherine McCauley medal which will be presented to a student each month who displays character traits such as those demonstrated by our Founder. We will report on the awards in the Newsletter.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
Congratulations Mrs McFarlane and Minnie Vinnies on the very successful Winter Appeal on Friday. It was great to see the children experiencing service to others through their participation in this event. Thank you to the parents who helped with the delicious hot chocolate too! I was certainly the right weather for it!
Public Speaking Competition 2024
On Friday we were inspired by the children and their thoughtful speeches during the St Joseph’s Speak Offs. The standard of the students public speaking is impressive, and St Joseph’s is always well represented at the Western Region and Archdiocesan Public Speaking events. It seems 2023 will be no exception!
Special thanks to Margaret and Matthew Lynch for adjudicating the speeches on Friday. Their help, support and expertise are greatly appreciated!
Congratulations to the following children who will represent St Joseph’s at the Speak Offs with St Mary’s Young here at Grenfell on Friday 11h August:
Year 3: Jack Fanning and Brydie Hunter
Year 4: Emily Protheroe and Braxton Chalker-Triolo
Year 5: Grace Reeves and Saskia McClelland
Year 6: Camilla Gibson and Stella Fanning
NAPLAN Reports
Parents and Year 3 and 5 students should have received the reports deliver to you by the children last week. Please do let us know if you have any questions.
Important Date for your Diaries!
Please reserve Monday 11th September for Grand Parents Day and please do inform the children’s grandparents so that they can join us for this special day. More details to follow.
In Conclusion…
Sporting Schools Rugby sessions commence this week, and the children are reminded to wear their Sport kit for these Tuesday sessions.
Thank you to the Weddin Community Native Nursery for the kind donation of 4 native trees. Representatives will be visiting us on Friday morning for a tree planting ceremony in honour of National Tree Planting Day.
With best wishes,
Louise Grant
Acting Principal
From the Religious Education Coordinator
Mini Vinnies Thank You
On behalf of the hardworking Mini Vinnies group, and myself, we would like to thank the school community for your generous support of our Winter Appeal/ Clothing Drive. Your donations of warm clothes and blankets, among many other things, are already being distributed to those in most need locally in Grenfell (Salvation Army) and in Young (St Vincent de Paul). These charities have expressed their sincere gratitude to all for your donations. We hope all students enjoyed the yummy hot chocolates and marshmallows too! A huge thanks to Ele Edwards and Emma Wildsoet for making the delicious hot chocolates.

International Day of Friendship
In 2011, the UN declared the 30th of July as International Friendship Day, and it's recognised on the same day every year. Friendship celebrations are held all around the world to mark this special day each year.
International Friendship Day is an initiative that was born out of a proposal made by UNESCO when establishing the Culture of Peace. Focusing on friendship and harmony, the UN hope to foster peace and build bonds within communities where needed.
Friendship is regarded as an important opening that builds bonds and develops fellowship and trust between people.
Prayer for Friendship
You have blessed us, O God,
with the gift of friendship,
the bonding of persons
in a circle of love.
We thank you for such a blessing:
for friends who love us,
who share our sorrows,
who laugh with us in celebration,
who bear our pain,
who need us as we need them,
who weep as we weep,
who hold us when words fail,
and who give us the freedom
to be ourselves.
Bless our friends with health,
wholeness, life, and love.
Vienna Cobb Anderson
Socktober 2023
Involvement in Socktober is a fantastic opportunity for us to engage our students, inspire their hearts, and ignite their passion for making a difference in the world. Every student has the potential to become a force for positive change, and Socktober provides the perfect platform to nurture their sense of compassion and global citizenship.
In 2023, we will focus our hearts and minds on Timor-Leste, specifically a medical clinic and a children's home that provide essential care and support to children who truly need it.
We look forward to keeping you up to date with our participation in Socktober as it evolves.
Sunday Gospel Reflection (July 30)
Gospel Mt 13:44-52
We must all seek, find, and appreciate the hidden pearls within people. It is essential to understand that God has also sought, found, and recognised the treasures that lay within ourselves. God paid the highest price and ultimate sacrifice of His Son Jesus on the cross so that we might be saved and made welcome in the kingdom of heaven. Being a Catholic comes with sacrifice. Do you face yours with the exuberant joy of the man in the parable, or do you give way to frustration, exhaustion, and apathy? We need to remind ourselves of the celebration of the treasure that we are seeking and to reach for the ‘fine pearls’ that are found in the scriptures and the sacraments. The analogy of the dragnet is an apt one, particularly in schools gathering people from many backgrounds and beliefs. For some, it might be tempting to seek only the ‘good fish’ and not extend the invitation to the diverse faith experience that we find in our seas. By narrowing our focus, we risk overlooking the treasure that exists in both the new and old. Have you seen the pearl of great value, for which you are ready to sell all that you have to buy it? (Nathan A’Hearne, Mission and Life Formation Marist Schools Australia)
Dear Lord,
Help us to seek the treasure of a comforting kindness,
which manifests as understanding more precious than riches,
more powerful than the oppression of others,
with the power to continually transform our hearts.
Let our parable be manifest in our actions, our kindness, our generosity of time
and our hearts for understanding the needs of the world.
Source: Formed in Prayer, CSYMI
Student Prayer of the Week
Sacramental Program
St Joseph’s Parish will be offering the Sacrament of Confirmation to eligible candidates. To be eligible to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates must be in Year 5 or above and must have already received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
The meetings for the Confirmation candidates will take place during Terms 3 and 4. The dates are as follows:
- Wednesday 6th September – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Wednesday 20th September – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Wednesday 18th October – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Sunday 22nd October – Confirmation Mass at 8am
The preparation meetings will be held on each of the above dates in the St Joseph’s School Library. A Catholic parent (or caregiver) of each candidate must attend each of the meetings.
If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren please contact me (if you have not already done so) at the school on 6343 1514 or via email:
Furthermore, if you know of anyone else interested in further information, who may not have access to this newsletter or the Parish bulletin, please encourage them to contact me also.
Parish News
Sunday 8 am Mass
St Joseph’s Church, Grenfell
Please note that a Mass will be held on the second and fourth Sundays each month. There is a Celebration of the Word with Holy Communion, not a Mass, on the first and third Sundays of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend!
The Parish would love to welcome more children to be involved in Mass on weekends. There are many opportunities for involvement, including doing the readings. If your child can participate in any way, please let me know.
If you wish to visit St Joseph’s Church, it is open daily from 10.00am – 4.00pm and following Mass on Sundays.
Yours in Faith,
Danielle McFarlane
Religious Education Coordinator
Good luck to Camilla Metcalfe who will be trailing at the MacKillop Rugby Selections - Girls 7's. This will take place in Sydney on Wednesday the 2nd of August. I am sure this will be a fantastic opportunity for Camilla. We can't wait to hear about your experience.
Best wishes, from the St Joseph's community.
Congratulations to Saskia McLelland, on her efforts at the Interschools Skiing Regional Championships at Perisher in the holidays.
She has qualified for the State Championships in Moguls and Ski Cross, which is very exciting! This will be held during week 6 of this term.
Good luck Sas! You have already made St Joseph's proud.