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Congratulations to all the St Joseph’s speakers who represented our school with great enthusiasm and expertise on Friday at the Speak Offs with St Mary’s Young. Thank you to the teachers and to Mrs Green who has been coaching the children. Thanks also to parents for their support in providing the children with guidance during their practises at home too.

Special thanks to our adjudicators Deidre Carroll and Mary Moffitt for their time and much-valued contributions.
Year 2/3/4 Visit MPS
Mr Martens and the Yr2/3/4 children visited MPS on last Monday and brought with them sunny smiles and hearty voices for some community singing with the residents. We are very much enjoying the MPS monthly visits and look forward to the children building relationships with the residents as the year progresses.

Transition to The Henry Lawson Hight School
This week we welcomed Jennifer Bell from The Henry Lawson High School to begin the transition program for the students who will move to The Henry Lawson High School for Year 7.
The transition from St Joseph’s to Henry Lawson High School is a well-trodden route with many children having successfully transitioned in past years. We value the opportunity to support the St Joseph’s Year 6 children through the Transition to Henry Lawson High School Program.
Father’s Day Celebration
Calling all St Joseph’s fathers, grandfathers and father figures! Please join us on Tuesday, 29th August for a celebration of fatherhood. Details below:
The Grenfell Show is just around the corner on the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of September. St Joseph’s will be well represented with a display The school will have a display set up in the Simpson Pavilion on Friday and Saturday of student work, artworks etc. featuring the children’s work and the opportunities they enjoy to learn and grow at our school.
Our school has been given the honour of opening this year’s show with a singing performance at 1.45 on Saturday 2nd September. We hope the whole St Joseph’s community will be there to represent us. All students will practise the songs that they will be performing at the show over the next few weeks.
We would love parent and student support to represent St Joseph's at this fantastic community event. On the Saturday we would like to have people 'manning' the display to hand out gift bags to any prospective families/students and chat generally with show-goers about our wonderful school. It would be fantastic to have a mixture of students, parents and staff. Please add your name to the roster below if you're able to do 30 minutes on the display.
Grand Parents Day
We would appreciate it if the following invitation could please be shared with the children’s grandparents. It means so much to the children to share their lives at school with their loved ones and we look forward to welcoming these special people in the children’s lives on Monday 11th September.
Parents are asked to please contribute a plate for the morning tea for the children and their grandparents. Thanks!
In Conclusion…
This week is Science Week and the children and teachers have been enjoying challenging STEM activities and the chance to be immersed in science. Further science facilitated by Sally Russell (Lake Cowal Conservation Centre) next Thursday.
As mentioned in the Newsletter last week, I will be absent for the next few weeks and Mrs Katrina McGrath will the Acting Principal during this period. I will be looking forward very much to returning to St Joseph’s and seeing you all at the events planned this term.
With best wishes,
Louise Grant
Acting Principal
From the Religious Education Coordinator
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, held every year on Tuesday the 15th of August, is a significant feast day which recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth, when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God. The feast of the Assumption is always a Holy Day of Obligation for both Roman and Eastern-rite Catholics, on which they are obliged to attend Mass or Divine Liturgy. Fr Jiss could not be with us on this day and gave us his blessing to celebrate this feast day with a special Liturgy. Thanks to the Mini Vinnies group who led the Liturgy so well.
you raised the sinless virgin
Mary body and soul to
the glory of heaven.
May we share in that glory.
We ask this through Christ the Lord.
Sunday Gospel Reflection (August 13)
Gospel Matthew 14:22-33
Peter is representative of many of us. He is someone who has a great faith, who loves Jesus and wants to follow him, but he is also someone who has, on more than one occasion, questioned his faith. In today’s Gospel, Peter takes a significant risk. Trusting Jesus, Peter steps out into the water during a storm. He is fine until the storm frightens him, then he doubts what he is attempting to undertake and suddenly begins to sink. Jesus feels disappointed that Peter did not trust; after all, Jesus trusted in Peter’s ability to walk on water; otherwise, he would not have asked him to do so.
Our lives are often like this. It is not until life is hard, and we are facing challenges that we call out to Jesus to “save us.” The real challenge, especially for us as leaders, is to remain steadfast in our faith, and our confidence and belief in Jesus, and remember, we cannot do this all alone, and it is ok to rely on the one who saves! (Stephanie Burns)
Keep us strong in our faith, especially in the face of great challenges.
Do not let doubt take over our minds and hearts.
Be with us always,
so we may feel the constant and unwavering love and support of our saviour.
Source: Formed in Prayer, CSYMI
We extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to the Conron and Galvin families on the loss of Rachel’s Grandfather.
We also extend our heartfelt condolences and prayers to the Gibson and Pursehouse families on the loss of Vanessa’s Father.
We are thinking of you all.
Year 2/3/4 Father’s Day Class Mass
Student Prayer of the Week
Sacramental Program
St Joseph’s Parish will be offering the Sacrament of Confirmation to eligible candidates. To be eligible to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates must be in Year 5 or above and must have already received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
The meetings for the Confirmation candidates will take place during Terms 3 and 4. The dates are as follows:
- Wednesday 6th September – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Wednesday 20th September – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Wednesday 18th October – Preparation Meeting at 6pm
- Sunday 22nd October – Confirmation Mass at 8am
The preparation meetings will be held on each of the above dates in the St Joseph’s School Library. A Catholic parent (or caregiver) of each candidate must attend each of the meetings.
If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren please contact me (if you have not already done so) at the school on 6343 1514 or via email:
Furthermore, if you know of anyone else interested in further information, who may not have access to this newsletter or the Parish bulletin, please encourage them to contact me also.

Yours in Faith,
Danielle McFarlane
Religious Education Coordinator
Parish News
Sunday 8 am Mass
St Joseph’s Church, Grenfell
Please note that a Mass will be held on the second and fourth Sundays each month. There is a Celebration of the Word with Holy Communion, not a Mass, on the first and third Sundays of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend!
The Parish would love to welcome more children to be involved in Mass on weekends. There are many opportunities for involvement, including doing the readings. If your child can participate in any way, please let me know.
If you wish to visit St Joseph’s Church, it is open daily from 10.00am – 4.00pm and following Mass on Sundays.
Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan Athletics
We wish Camilla Metcalfe all the best in the Senior Girls High Jump and the 12 yrs girls 100M and 200M Dash. The carnival will be held on Tuesday, 22nd August at AIS Athletics Arena, Bruce. She has already made us proud, and we can't wait to hear about her experience.
Good luck, Camilla.
Interschools Skiing
Over the weekend and into week six, Saskia McLelland will be representing our school at interschools skiing competition in Perisher.
Good Luck, Sas. We will be cheering you on from school!