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Dear Parents and Carers,
We are now at the mid-point of our term and all children are working well in the various Key Learning Areas.
It has been noticeable this week that with the combined busyness of both school and home, some of the children are very tired during the day. Unfortunately, this has at times been the cause of some poor behaviour choices. We have been in contact with families in relation to our concerns in this area.
We have also been speaking at assemblies about our understanding that when we feel tired, we need to work a little harder to ensure that our behaviour is fair to others in our class, and that we can continue with our learning of new skills.
Please be aware that last week we became aware of a potential technology related issue. This involves an avatar attaching itself to some games that children play. If a level is failed, then the Momo avatar sends an increasingly nasty message. Whilst we cannot control all messages that pop up on our screens, being aware that this could happen allows us to be more prepared for the potential event, should it occur.
No doubt most families have been shocked and dismayed by the recent media events regarding Cardinal George Pell. Please know that the safety and welfare of our students remain our absolute top priorities at St Joseph's. The child safety approaches administered by our dedicated staff assure we are held to the highest professional and regulatory standards. They are embedded in organisational governance, policy, procedures, practice and culture. It is a key responsibility for everyone who works or volunteers in Catholic education. Thank you for your continued faith in Catholic Education.
As the mornings are now cooler, some children have begun to start the day with a jumper on. Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name, so that items that have been misplaced can be returned quickly.
At present we have a size 12 tracksuit top looking for an owner.
Swimming Congratulations to Ruby who placed third in her 50m freestyle and Hamish who placed second in his 50m butterfly events at the Archdiocesan carnival earlier in the week. Well done to Genevieve and Xanthe who both swam improved times in their events.
Yr. 3-6 Excursion – please complete the medical form and return this to school by Monday March 11 so that we can confirm numbers for our trip to Jindabyne. Please finalise payment by Wednesday March 13.
School Board – an additional note is being sent home today calling for nominations for our School Board (School Committee). This note provides you with information about the role of the School Board and calls for nominations for 2019. A nomination form is attached to the note.
All nominations must be in writing and received at school by Friday March 22.
Uniform orders – if you would like to order additional clothing for the coming winter term, please fill the attached uniform order form and return to school by Friday March 15.
Excess furniture – we currently have some older style desks that are no longer needed here at school. These may be useful at at your home, for example they could be used as art tables or a homework space. If you would like to view the excess tables, please contact Therese Clancy.
Book Fair – this year, our Book Fair is here. The books have arrived and over the next few days, the children will have a chance to fill in a wish list for books that they’d like. The Book Fair will be open to families before and after school tomorrow (Friday) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week for those who are interested in making a purchase.
Nits are a sensitive topic – we understand that the incidence of nits is a sensitive one, however, I encourage all families to monitor and take action as necessary.
Be aware that there have been several cases of nits recently. Please check your children’s heads and take the appropriate actions. Remember that shampoos only work if they are used at the right strength. Good ways to prevent nits include:
- Brush hair thoroughly every day
- Tie back long hair
- Check regularly for lice or eggs (nits) – take action as needed
People often say that regular use of conditioner is a very effective way to remove both eggs and lice.
All families are reminded that children whose hair is shoulder length or longer, should be wearing their hair tied back so as to keep the incidence of nits to a minimum.
Asthma Plans –There are a number of children who are making regular use of blue asthma puffers during the school day. Please be aware that if your child needs to have an asthma puffer at school then you need to provide the school with an up to date asthma plan.
Our school calendar is updated every week and can be accessed through our school website at: Please let us know if you are not receiving the Schoolzine updates once you have installed the SZapp.
Riding bikes at school – the children have asked if we could make use of the pushbikes during recess and lunch. This provides another physical activity choice for our children during the breaks.
We use the space in the church carpark as our riding area.
Please speak with your children about the fact that there are some inherent dangers in bike riding, and choosing to ride, shows that it is understand that these dangers exist.
If you consent for your child to ride the bikes during the day at school, please return the attached note.
Therese Clancy
REC News
As we begin the season of Lent…
Merciful and loving God,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love. Guide me to the path that leads to you. Fill my heart with gratitude, patience, strength, and peace as I strive to become the-best-version-of-myself, honestly admitting my shortcomings and sins.
May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace.
Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father. Give me the strength to commit myself to grow closer to you each day.
As I renew my resolve each day to become a better person, let me hear your voice in the deepest reaches of my heart. Give me rest in you.
Help me to accept others, showing them your great love instead of casting judgment.
Fill my heart with gratitude for the people and things I have in my life rather than concentrating on what I don’t have.
Stay with me through the busy days and remind me that when I need comfort, solitude, wisdom, or guidance, I can always turn to you.
Help me to come closer to you through prayer this Lent.
In your name I pray,
Peace and blessings,
Leslie King
Classroom News – Kinder/Year One
The K/1 students have been looking at symbols and images in art and in the world that make us think about God. At the moment, the cross is their favourite symbol, but they are beginning to expand their thinking. They thought praying under the giant lemon-scented gum was an interesting experience. It helped them to understand that we can be with God no matter where we are. We are now exploring ideas about Lent.
In Geography, we are studying people and places. The students have explored the old part of the school and were interested to discover the blocked-up fireplaces. They were also fascinated to learn that those three classrooms used to be four and that the cleaner’s storeroom used to be the office for the principal AND the secretary!
We are now into our second round of publishing. The students are becoming more familiar with the login to Google routine. The Kinders still need support with the typing but are beginning to use the sounds they have learned through the Jolly Phonics program in their writing and publishing.
In Visual Art, the students have been inspired by different artists to use a variety of media and techniques while exploring an ‘under the sea’ theme.
Year 5 and 6 students have started a new unit called Shapes in My environment. They are now beginning to look at how to use a protractor to measure angles. The most important skill is to estimate the size of the angle by asking if the angle is bigger or smaller than 90 degrees. This then supports the choice of which set of numbers to use for measurement.
Year 2/3/4 have looked at 2D shapes and 3D objects. They have started to record properties of 2 D. We have also looked at the description of parallel lines and find pairs in a variety of 2D shapes. We are also looking at identifying angles that are bigger or smaller than 90 degrees.
Kindergarten and year 1 have started to look at patterns. They are enjoying making variations.