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Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to term 3. It is a privilege for me to be returning as principal of St Joseph’s after 12 months leave. I have thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with old students and getting to know our new students this week. The welcome from them has been heartwarming.
I firmly believe that our school is the best school in the diocese, with the most amazing dedicated team of staff, who really care for our students and who work hard to ensure their needs are met. I am excited to be back with them and look forward to the term ahead.
As always this term will no doubt be a busy one with Book Week, the Grenfell Show, Father’s Day Liturgy and everything in between. Clear and prompt communication is essential for ensuring that parents and carers know what is on and what their child needs in order to be organised.
There are a few changes to our communication methods to ensure things are running smoothly and efficiently. From this term, the newsletter will be published fortnightly on odd weeks (Weeks 1,3,5,7,9) and we will hold assemblies fortnightly on even weeks (Weeks 2,4,6,8,10). This should ensure that communication is shared with parents by either form each week and will also make it easy for parents to plan when to attend assemblies.
Compass is our main form of communication for events, important updates, student absences etc. Please ensure that you have your notifications turned on. If you need help with Compass please contact the office.
You may have noticed a new weekly reminder post on Facebook. This will be posted to our Facebook page on Sunday mornings to provide a quick 'what's on this week' message for parents to help keep you up to date.
Our school calendar continues to be the place to see what's happening further ahead. This calendar can be accessed on Compass or on the school website.
Please remember that teachers are available for you to contact to keep up to date on your child's progress and to discuss any concerns you may have. I encourage you to do this regularly, as the connection between home and school is essential in student success.
You can also contact me directly at if needed.
I am pleased to announce that Danielle McFarlane will be returning to her REC role later in term 3, in a part time capacity.
Kathy Harvey has decided to reduce her hours to 2 days per week (Tuesday and Thursday). I would like to thank Kathy for her ongoing service to the school and appreciate her efforts in filling in during term 2.
Megan Crossley will be replacing Kathy on Fridays and will commence in week 5. Megan was warmly welcomed to St Joseph’s last term as a casual teacher and we look forward to having her join our regular team.
We continue to keep Leslie King in our thoughts and prayers. There is a note box in the office foyer for past and present students and families to leave a note for Leslie. If you have not filled one out I encourage you to do so, as we would like to send them off to her asap.
A group of students comprised of Year 5/6 and our students that identify as indigenous, will be representing St Joseph’s at the regional NAIDOC Mass being held in Young tomorrow. These students have been sent event details on Compass. If you need further information, please be in contact. Please ensure that students are wearing full Winter school uniform.
We are very grateful to Grenfell Preschool for the use of their bus to transport our group of students and to Scott Metcalfe for volunteering his time to drive the bus.
For remaining students it will be school as usual on Friday. As a result, we will have NO mufti day this Friday.
Jump into Joey’s
Due to preschool’s prior commitments at the rescheduled time, we will need to change the day of the next Jump into Joey’s session again. It will now be held on Thursday 1st August at 10:30am. Sorry for any inconvenience but it looks to be a fantastic session exploring IT.
Last, but certainly not least, we welcome the newest addition to the St Joseph’s Community -
Ted James Duval, born 12th July 2024. 8.3 pounds, 55cm tall.
Harry is a very proud big brother and we send congratulations and best wishes to Mick, Emma and Harry.
Kind thoughts,
Melissa Hotham
Coming Up
Wk 2: Thursday - Jump into Joey’s 10:30am
Friday - Assembly 2:40pm
Wk 3: Wednesday - 2/3/4 Liturgy 10am
Wk 4: Monday - Jump into Joey’s 10:30am
Friday - Assembly 2:40pm
Wk 5: Wednesday - Book Week Parade 9:05am
Wk 6: Friday - Mufti Day & Assembly 2:40pm
Friday & Saturday - Grenfell Show
Wk 7: Monday - Father’s Day Liturgy
Staff Spirituality Day
St Joseph’s Grenfell staff, along with colleagues from St Francis Xavier School (Lake Cargelligo) and St Mary’s War Memorial School (West Wyalong), joined together on Monday for our annual Spirituality Day. This was held at “Christ the King” Farm Chapel, Kiacatoo. The focus of the day was ‘Walking Together on The Journey of Reconciliation’ with a focus on Human Dignity and reflections on the Scripture ‘The Road to Emmaus’.
Lee Herden (Canberra-Goulburn Principal Catholic Identify Officer) and Lachie Eveston (Teaching and Learning Support Officer – Aboriginal Education) led all staff through several activities, with additional valuable insights provided by West Wyalong Parish Priest Fr Dominic Byrne.
Attendees came away with a deeper awareness and understanding of the need for a transformational journey to become a reconciling community and that we are equal stakeholders in bringing healing to our communities. The day concluded with reflection time and a liturgy in the beautiful Farm Chapel. This was a special day and wonderful way for staff to come together to commence the term.

Danielle McFarlane
Religious Education Coordinator
We would like to thank the parents and friends who make the St Joseph’s Breakfast Club possible on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. As the cooler weather is upon us, something warm in the children’s tummies when they arrive at school will be greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who makes this happen! Special thanks to the Grenfell Food Hall for their support!
If you are unable to attend your rostered day please reach out to another family to swap day.
Lunch Order Menu Tuesday & Thursday