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We extend a warm welcome to Rylee (and his family) who joined our school community last week. We are sure that you will enjoy your time at St Joseph’s and are pleased to have you with us.
Remembrance Day
Well done to Saskia and Lorelei who proudly represented St Joseph’s by reading poems at Monday's Grenfell Remembrance Day Service. Thanks also to the Grenfell RSL Sub Branch, and Glen Ivins, for their generous donation of books to the school. Students that attended were reverent and respectful of proceedings.

Captain Nominations and Elections
Today Mrs McFarlane and I met with the Captain nominees for an informal interview regarding their application for school captain in 2025. This gave them an opportunity to discuss why they would like to be captain and helped to prepare them for their speeches, which will be delivered on Monday. Captains will be announced at our Graduation Mass.
Kirra Pendergast‘ Safe on Social Media’
At St Joseph’s we are committed to keeping our children safe and ensuring the child safety standards that were delivered from the Royal Commission into Child Abuse are embedded into our school policies practices. Navigating our children through the online world is tricky and fraught with problems. We are often dealing with issues at school that come from the online activities of children outside of school. The standards expect that St Joseph’s supports:
- Families and communities to be informed and involved
- Physical and online and environments that minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur
- Staff to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training
- Child safety is embedded in our schools culture
All parents can pay for tickets now on COMPASS. It is a very reassuring $10 for the SECURITY and KNOWLEDGE that Kirra empowers us with, both children, parents and staff. ● Thursday 5th December (Week 8)
- 10am - 11am Stage 2 students at $10 each
- 12pm - 1pm Stage 3 students at $10 each
- 5.30pm - 6.30pm Parent session $10 for parents/carers (per family members who come) via MS Team link that will be emailed to participating parents.
Staffing and Class Structures
Staffing has now been finalised for 2025. Offers have been made and once contracts are finalised, teachers and class structures will be announced. This should hopefully be in the next newsletter.
Year 2-6 Sport and Recreation Camp
Next week, students in Years 2 to 6 will be attending the Sport and Recreation Camp in Berry. Ms Washbrook, Mrs Hunter and myself will be the attending staff at Camp (Mr Martens is unfortunately unable to attend). The camp list and itinerary have been sent home this week for students to pack and prepare. Thank you to Ms Washbrook for her organisation of the event, it should be a memorable experience for all involved.
Important Dates:
Wk 6: Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd - Yr 2-6 Camp
Wk 8: Thursday 5th December - Yr 2-6 ‘Safe on Social Media’
Wk 9: Thursday 12th December - Presentation Evening 7pm
Friday 13th December - Reports published on Compass
Wk 10: Tuesday 17th December - Yr 6 Graduation Mass 6pm
Wednesday 18th December - Last day for students
Kind thoughts,
Melissa Hotham
K/1 Excursion
Kindergarten and Year One students travelled to Canberra for a visit to the National Zoo and Aquarium on Monday. After an early start, they arrived and embarked upon a discovery tour, getting up close and personal with ‘Corny’ the snake, feeding the emu and the deer, and visiting the enclosures of some of their favourite animals, including giraffes, cheetahs, and sharks! They then travelled to the Moncrieff Adventure playground for lunch and a play. Then it was time to head back home to their families. A great day was had by all!

Kinder Transition - Day 2

Remembrance Day
On Tuesday our senior cohort of students walked to the Grenfell Cenotaph to join the Grenfell community for Remembrance Day. We came together, in silence and prayer, to remember all those who have served in all wars. As we remember the lives that have been lost, we pray and hope for peace and pledge to work towards peace in our world.
Prayer of St Francis
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord,
And where there’s doubt, true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness only light,
And where there’s sadness ever joy.
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console.
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
In giving of ourselves that we receive,
And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

Kindergarten/ Year One Class Mass
Kindergarten and Year One held their class Mass last Wednesday based on the theme ‘we belong to a family’. Fr Mark Ha presided over the Mass, ably assisted by Greg Ewers as the acolyte. Mrs Best and Mrs Caruana did a wonderful job preparing the students. It was a special Mass which the Kindergarten and Year One students can be proud of. We thank all parents and friends who were able to join us for the Mass. Well done to everyone involved!

Grenfell Food Hall – Food Drive
With the festive season drawing closer, and in the spirit of Christmas, we are asking all families to provide generous support to offer hope for many locals who face an uncertain Christmas. The aim is to bring relief to those who need it most through a food drive.
Below is a list of the categories/ items we will be collecting. For all items, please check that the expiry dates extend into 2024. Baskets will be left in each classroom for students to place items into. All donated items will be delivered to our local Food Hall at the end of term.
End of Year – Year Six Graduation Mass
We welcome everyone to attend this special event at St Joseph’s Church – December 17.
Year Six Graduation Mass Photos
A reminder that Year Six Graduation Mass photos are required by no later than Monday December 2. Email:
Student Prayer of the Week
Parish News
Sunday 8 am
St Joseph’s Church, Grenfell
Please note that a Mass will be held every Sunday at St Joseph’s Church, Grenfell, in the lead-up to Christmas this year. All families and friends are more than welcome to attend.