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Dear parents and carers,
This week has continued to be busy across a variety of different activities.
There have been further updates around protocols to be observed. A letter was sent home to all families on Tuesday afternoon. This outlines how we are following NSW Health guidelines. In addition, all external visitors (visitors providing a service during school hours) must complete all sign procedures in at the front office, this is to ensure that we are following NSW Health guidelines as required. Further advice from Health NSW can be accessed via the link below:
For those wondering about what symptoms you might see, check the link below:
Considering the current challenges being thrown up by the pandemic, we will be moving our open day to an online format. We plan to stream activities for you tomorrow from 11:45am.
We hope that you will be able to join us for the live stream or watch the event later in the day. To join in, go to our Facebook page and access the event through the live stream link.
While it is disappointing that you won’t be able to join us in person, we look forward to sharing our learning with you in this virtual format.
This week has seen more interesting conversations and learning in each of our classrooms, K/1 have been working on how things have changed over time – our cars go faster and now have seatbelts, while our pens don’t need an ink well anymore. 5/6 have been looking at how water moves through the environment as part of their unit on the environment. 2/3/4 have been working on their current publications, and many of these works are looking very interesting!
This week has also seen us talking about choosing to have a positive outlook and keep games going, and it has been terrific to see recess and lunchtimes games moving along and lots of different people having a turn. We have also been speaking about how we can move this thinking in to the classroom and trying out new skills or persisting with skills that are challenging when we are learning them for the first time.
P & F – thank you to everyone who attended the meeting on Tuesday evening. The committee has been finalised and are already beginning to plan for some events before the end of this year, all things permitting. The executive is made up of Rebecca, Jaclyn, Natasha and Amanda. Catherine is continuing to coordinate the canteen
Our canteen will reopen from Wednesday for lunches only. An order form is attached, all orders must be returned to school by Tuesday. We ask that you include correct money amounts where possible.
Mrs Baker and I will work with teams of students to organise orders for lunch on Wednesday. I ask that you remind your children to be patient as we move forward with the current canteen arrangements.
Thank you to those who completed the annual satisfaction survey of parents. We are looking forward to receiving feedback from the survey in due course.
Thank you to those who choose to wear their uniform correctly, you look very smart! Please be aware that you can source the uniform through our uniform pool or the attached order for.
Uniform orders – an order form is attached to this newsletter. Please order now for term 4, summer will be here sooner then we expect. Return all orders by Friday September 4.
Public Speaking - We have been working in conjunction with St Mary’s School at Young to prepare for our inter school public speaking event for this year. In 2020, we will be conducting this event online via Zoom in Week 9.
Information about the event has been given to the children in Yrs. 2-6, they should be preparing their speech for our school-based event. All children will be participating in our school based public speaking. This will take place on 24/08 (Week 6).
Changes to routine - Thank you to those families who are keeping us informed when children are absent from school, or there are changes to the regular routine.
Please make it your custom to check in at the office if your children are running late to school – we appreciate your efforts to do this.
Reminder – now is a good time to check your children’s hair for nits. The season is beginning to change and often this can be a catalyst for an outbreak of nits. Please check and act as appropriate.
Take care and stay safe,
Yesterday the sacramental program participants met for the second time as they journey towards celebrating the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We have spent a good deal of our time talking about the choices we make in our everyday lives and the impact those choices can have on others.
Last night we watched a video clip (see link below) about what a difference one kind gesture can make. It can cause someone to pass that feeling on by doing something kind for someone else. I call it ripples of love. Others might call it acts of kindness. Whatever you call it, it is the right choice to be making to create a more caring and connected world.
You were called the friend of sinners.
You renew our friendship with the Father
when we are sorry for our sins.
Help us to admit our wrongdoing
and give us the courage to say we are sorry.
For not following Jesus in the things we do and say and do.
All: Lord, we are sorry.
For choosing to tell lies or answer back.
All: Lord, we are sorry.
For hurting others by getting angry or impatient.
All: Lord, we are sorry.
For being slow to forgive others when they hurt us.
All: Lord, we are sorry.
Help us to be more like you in the way that we treat others. Help us to send out ripples of love this week wherever we go.
Video link:
K/1 have been looking at numbers and have been locating numbers both on and off the decade and counting forwards and backwards from there.